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Choose your pricing plan
1-Hr Monthly Plan
280$Every monthWeekly lesson for accelerating your horsemanship skills- 4 Private Lessons (1 Hr.)
30 min Monthly Plan
180$Every month4 half hour lessons, ideal for students 7 and under- 4 Private Lessons (30 min.)
Sibling 30 min plan
360$Every month4 sibling 30 min. lessons- 4 Sibling Lessons (30 mins.)
Sibling 1 hr Lessons
560$Every month(4) 60 min time slots for 2 siblings- 4 Private Sibling Lessons (1 hr.)
Boarder Monthly Plan
240$Every month4 - 1 hr. lessons for boarders or students using their horse- 4- 1 Hr. Boarder Lesson
Combo Monthly Plan
460$Every month4-Combo Sibling Lessons- Combo Sibling Lesson
Bi Weekly 1/2 hr
90$Every monthBi weekly 30 min. lessons 2 times a month- Two 30 min. lessons
Bi Weekly 1 hr
140$Every monthBi weekly 1 hr lessons twice a month- Two 1 hr. lessons for the month
30min Sibling Biwkly
180$Every monthSibling 30 Min lesson Bi weekly (2 lessons a month)- 2 Sibling 30 minute lessons to be used bi weekly.
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